domingo, 18 de mayo de 2014

"and i always thought the people you dated were dumbasses"

turns out I was one of those that got high hopes,
Dream big, fall hard, get up, do it again.
i was talking to the mother of my dead friend the other day.

[reality doesn't exist.] We concluded,
since this world is so dilluted,
A few seconds of lag between chat chirps
from Paris
To Brooklyn,
can make a life become deconstructed.

I type here. You see there. 5 seconds later because
tends to control a lot of this made up time of ours.

There is nothing real.
And I always thought the people you dated were dumbasses
until i became one of those that falls too hard for the wrong thing.
Maybe it's
all some
sort of scheme.

I lose quality of my film by ganking off youtube.
and maybe I'm a dumbass that fell for you
in a reality that doesn't exist.

oh how this world is dilluted.
I'm one of those dumbasses that
falls for the guilt of you.

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